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UPTIME: 20 d 13 h 21 m
[ Healer mobs no longer resurrect the dead                    ][ 08/11/2022 ]
[ Healer mobs no longer heal conjured demons/animated corpses ][ 08/11/2022 ]
[ Healer mobs in your group now heal the group leader too     ][ 08/11/2022 ]
[ Demons and animated corpses now disappear when ungrouped    ][ 08/11/2022 ]
[ Demon- and vampire-conjuring mobs now stop at 3 conjures    ][ 08/11/2022 ]
[ Added option: SHOWLOG TALK                                  ][ 08/11/2022 ]
[ Mobs that chase you down won't leave their zone (mostly)    ][ 08/11/2022 ]
[ Some houses have been swapped, and ships added              ][ 07/22/2022 ]
[ CONSIDER now provides some information about dispellability ][ 07/19/2022 ]
[ New command: RENAMEALIAS                                    ][ 07/19/2022 ]
[ New command: APINFO                                         ][ 07/13/2022 ]
[ Zones fixed: Worldwide Astronomical Society, Asgard         ][ 07/13/2022 ]
[ New gear on old mobs! Can you find the new things?!         ][ 06/16/2022 ]
[ A memorial to Vurti has been added to Necromium Cemetary    ][ 02/17/2022 ]
[ Happy Thanksgiving, hope you're ready for GOBLOX!           ][ 11/25/2021 ]
[ Lazaar's respawn tomfoolery has been fixed, thanks Chill!   ][ 11/25/2021 ]
[ DI is currently being reworked a bit on the boss/eq side..  ][ 10/10/2021 ]
[ Kanatu/Evermore/Necro City Lanterns now hum for utility     ][ 10/04/2021 ]
[ PIXIE HEALER'S ROOM IS NOW PEACEFUL                         ][ 10/01/2021 ]
[ Various changes are in the works, most will be announced    ][ 09/15/2021 ]
[ VOLCANO: No longer repops while running (3+hour repop)      ][ 04/10/2021 ]
[ Various 'small/solo' EQ has been updated, go find it!       ][ 03/03/2021 ]
[ KANATU: Some EQ changes..                                   ][ 03/03/2021 ]
[ CIT PRISON: Fire Elemental should be balanced now           ][ 03/01/2021 ]
[ ABYSS: Red and Blue are now demon keywords                  ][ 02/26/2021 ]
[ To exchange restring tokens, contact Vakana via mail        ][ 02/26/2021 ]
[ Restring tokens can be exchanged for TWO tweak tokens       ][ 02/22/2021 ]
[ The Golden Citadel Prison has been greatly expanded         ][ 02/22/2021 ]
[ Yaaltin city now has an avatar trainer                      ][ 02/22/2021 ]
[ Vaandergash city now has a healer                           ][ 02/22/2021 ]
[ Nykips has been nerfed but will be balanced more soon       ][ 02/22/2021 ]
[ Did you know we have a Discord server now? So modern!       ][ 01/23/2021 ]
[ Some respawn timer changes, more may be coming              ][ 10/08/2017 ]
[ Leaving Crimdracs Castle has become a bit more reasonable   ][ 10/08/2017 ]
[ Check the AP shops, you never know what they might sell...  ][ 08/06/2017 ]
[ Strange rumblings heard in the Sandstone Desert...          ][ 08/06/2017 ]
[ Beauty in the water? What does it mean?                     ][ 07/21/2017 ]
[ EQ Run Fairness Act passes the Necromium Congress.          ][ 06/22/2017 ]
[ Such changes... Many differents... Wow!                     ][ 05/29/2017 ]
[ If a keyword seems to be missing or wrong, tell somebody!   ][ 05/03/2017 ]
[ There were changes. I make the best changes. Trust me.      ][ 04/25/2017 ]
[ Some rubble cleared out east of Vaandergash, but why?       ][ 04/20/2017 ]
[ Oosan valley is now a safer place for issles... d'aww       ][ 04/20/2017 ]
[ Necromium Travel Authority approves Dragon Riding!          ][ 04/06/2017 ]
[ Visit your local boat dock for more information...          ][ 04/06/2017 ]
[ Girl, was that Satan...at Andarx's... What DID he buy?      ][ 04/05/2017 ]
[ Is Lazaar down or up? If only there was a way to be sure... ][ 04/05/2017 ]
[ Morpheus and his minions dreamt up new things...            ][ 03/23/2017 ]
[ Wasn't there some turtle mob you wanted to run?             ][ 03/23/2017 ]
[ Holy wow, is that Hextle on Yaaltin again?!?!               ][ 03/09/2017 ]
[ AP eq changes. What is an 'accessory' anyway?               ][ 03/09/2017 ]
[ Can't get stuck in !summon !recall realms anymore. Joy!     ][ 01/31/2017 ]
[ Exp on the high seas? Why not Rl'yeh?                       ][ 01/31/2017 ]
[ Wascally Fates Wabbit always found a way to keep his key.   ][ 01/31/2017 ]
[ Envoys seen leaving Virut, what did they leave?             ][ 01/12/2017 ]
[ Loud noises heard coming from Lazaar. Wonder what's up...   ][ 12/23/2016 ]
[ The Turkin menace is upon you! Can Goblox be stopped?       ][ 11/24/2016 ]
[ Rumours abound that Ogox changed clothes...                 ][ 11/03/2016 ]
[ The fabled Necromancer was seen shopping for new gear.      ][ 08/12/2016 ]
[ In the heart of Evermore, a powerful Astromancer awaits...  ][ 07/24/2016 ]
[ Have you tried using a beacon on the Sea Serpent lately?    ][ 07/07/2016 ]
[ Sea Serpent crawled out of his whirlpool.                   ][ 07/07/2016 ]
[ Keys in Ancient Pyramid made of more durable materials      ][ 05/22/2016 ]
[ Dark Gods angry at Shidim, some of his power revoked!       ][ 05/18/2016 ]
[ When was the last time you took on the mighty sea serpent?  ][ 05/14/2016 ]
[ For being chained to the wall, that Balrog sure is buff...  ][ 05/14/2016 ]
[ Changes to demon mobs, perhaps try those warlocks again!    ][ 04/05/2016 ]
[ The secret chamber in caverns of flame may hold mysteries   ][ 03/24/2016 ]
[ Caverns of Flame minor changes, expect more soon            ][ 03/24/2016 ]
[ Mount Damavand 2.3b, now with increased stability!          ][ 03/24/2016 ]
[ Those crafty gnomes have put up adequate signage!           ][ 03/22/2016 ]
[ Iron Jaw now 'safe' to run...at your own risk!              ][ 03/22/2016 ]
[ Do NOT run Iron Jaw until further notice.                   ][ 03/21/2016 ]
[ Recent excavations in Illenmark have found a strange cave   ][ 03/21/2016 ]
[ Nod recall bug has been fixed, cast with impunity!          ][ 03/20/2016 ]
[ Some changes to Abyss...dare you find them?                 ][ 03/14/2016 ]
[ Peaceful rooms in big cities made !mob to stop shenanigans  ][ 03/09/2016 ]
[ Ask Xweetok about brochures about DragonCards tournaments   ][ 03/05/2016 ]
[ Gods of the Ancient Pyramid rumored to have grown in power  ][ 03/04/2016 ]
[ The obsidian dragon seems to have lost some of his oomph!   ][ 03/04/2016 ]
[ SING: Breath point regen increased by holding an instrument ][ 01/26/2016 ]
[ SING: Breath points passively regenerate without instrument ][ 01/26/2016 ]
[ SING: Holding instrument no longer doubles max breath pts   ][ 01/26/2016 ]
[ New command: FUNDSHISTORY                                   ][ 01/24/2016 ]
[ SPIRIT HAMMER no longer relies on INT for power             ][ 01/24/2016 ]
[ Time between individual LAYHANDS uses drastically reduced   ][ 01/19/2016 ]
[ IMM restores now reset layhands & favored healing timers    ][ 01/19/2016 ]
[ New prompt flags: +s, +S, +f, +l                            ][ 01/19/2016 ]
[ New Cleric Avatar spell: FAVORED HEALING                    ][ 01/19/2016 ]
[ Obsidian Tower is located in Northwestern burial grounds    ][ 12/21/2015 ]
[ Goblin Caves is back to its old home on Vaandergash         ][ 12/21/2015 ]
[ King and Queen's vault in catacombs now has treasure        ][ 12/20/2015 ]
[ Viable charmed mobs being tested on other continents        ][ 12/20/2015 ]
[ King and Queens room in catacombs is now !Shield            ][ 12/20/2015 ]
[ Sta=Stand is back!                                          ][ 12/20/2015 ]
[ Club of Orion now has 3RTM                                  ][ 12/20/2015 ]
[ Ice Caverns now has COLD damage                             ][ 12/20/2015 ]
[ Some changes to the spectacled caiman's EQ                  ][ 12/20/2015 ]
[ All DI cauldron regeants are now stackable                  ][ 12/20/2015 ]
[ New prompt flag: @G                                         ][ 12/14/2015 ]
[ Girdle of Giant Strength now has 3.0dr and 4STR             ][ 12/12/2015 ]
[ [PIXIES] Various minor keyword/stat/gold/xp improvements    ][ 12/11/2015 ]
[ Souls slowly gather from group kills if holding soul jar    ][ 12/08/2015 ]
[ Soul jars no longer have class or alignment antis           ][ 12/08/2015 ]
[ Various small balance changes added                         ][ 12/08/2015 ]
[ Thanks to our Overlord Jaguar for recent coding!!           ][ 12/07/2015 ]
[ Only clerics can cast MENDING SPHERE on others or in combat ][ 12/07/2015 ]
[ STANCEDANCE values updated                                  ][ 12/07/2015 ]
[ New Warrior Avatar ability: STANCEDANCE                     ][ 12/06/2015 ]
[ Mana cost of CLEANSING increased slightly                   ][ 12/06/2015 ]
[ New Cleric / Druid Spell: MENDING SPHERE                    ][ 12/06/2015 ]
[ New Shaman Spell: REDEEMING SOULS                           ][ 12/06/2015 ]
[ INVOCATION OF DEATH strengthened and improved               ][ 12/06/2015 ]
[ Current Bounties Extended until 3 people redeem them        ][ 12/06/2015 ]
[ IRON/NECRO ORE can now be redeemed for your bounty weapon   ][ 12/06/2015 ]
[ BERSERK move cost reduced by 50%                            ][ 11/29/2015 ]
[ SPELLPOWER made to be more effective by 25%                 ][ 11/29/2015 ]
[ ABSORB made twice as effective                              ][ 11/29/2015 ]
[ Tweaking re-enabled.  Thanks Leandrus.                      ][ 11/27/2015 ]
[ New Memorials for Aryth and Chewey in N Graveyard. R.I.P.   ][ 11/25/2015 ]
[ I realize the tweak token change may annoy some people but  ][ 11/23/2015 ]
[ Tweak Tokens were always meant to be a second chance        ][ 11/23/2015 ]
[ Tweak tokens are more common through various means now      ][ 11/23/2015 ]
[ You can only use a tweak token on an item ONCE now          ][ 11/23/2015 ]
[ Some changes to high end perm AP EQ, also a few new ones    ][ 11/18/2015 ]
[ The great demon sorceress Nevethe is now !disint            ][ 11/18/2015 ]
[ Vaandergash's AP shop has a new solution for thought shield ][ 11/18/2015 ]
[ Thought shield gauntlets in Cit are now rare load           ][ 11/18/2015 ]
[ [EVERMORE] Orb weight lowered from 274.0 to 215.0           ][ 11/13/2015 ]
[ Quartzle has went out of business :(                        ][ 11/13/2015 ]
[ Sahuagin Lord of Assassins change reverted due to issues    ][ 11/13/2015 ]
[ That ore now weights about 125lbs, instead of 240lbs        ][ 11/13/2015 ]
[ [IRON ORE] is now Necromium ore, is now worth 350 AP        ][ 11/13/2015 ]
[ [LORDS] helm, arms, legs, shield, mask - Load % UP 10%      ][ 11/09/2015 ]
[ Elven Kingdom of Mjhor will no longer get soulboxes         ][ 11/08/2015 ]
[ Abyss Pentagram buffed                                      ][ 11/08/2015 ]
[ Cloak of elven stealth - 2.0dr Added                        ][ 11/08/2015 ]
[ +6 KICK added to caiman jaw                                 ][ 11/08/2015 ]
[ +1 ABSORB added to caiman jaw (now 2 norm)                  ][ 11/08/2015 ]
[ Caiman Jaw can now tweak slightly higher on DEFENSE         ][ 11/08/2015 ]
[ shining corona restatted                                    ][ 11/08/2015 ]
[ Corona Alchemy Regeants weight reduced by 75%               ][ 11/08/2015 ]
[ Some changes to ORION's EQ                                  ][ 11/08/2015 ]
[ Slight buffs to a few of the permanent AP EQs               ][ 11/08/2015 ]
[ [Elven Empire] Object Weight and Values corrected           ][ 11/05/2015 ]
[ [Elven Empire] EQ Restat, Load Rate Adjustments             ][ 11/05/2015 ]
[ Elven Empire nerfed HARD, i encourage you to explore again  ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ [THE ABYSS] Dante is now a boss mob that can load EQ        ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ [SEASON 6] Bounties Posted                                  ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ Frigid wings of the ice dragon are now MINTWEAK             ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ Greater ring of space load rate doubled:P                   ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ [Forest of the Elven Empire] Nerfed.. Yet again..           ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ DI Wisps aura : -moves changed from -200 to -100            ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ Gennereth hits harder now and is a Psion, but has -10k HP   ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ Some of Gennereth's EQ reworked a little                    ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ All recent changes subject to upcoming reboot               ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ Gennereth's room is now !Helper Mobs                        ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ The path to Athena now has no !Class flags                  ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ Jehovah's room is no longer !thief                          ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ [FATES] Bosses can be stabbed now                           ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ Mary on Necromium now has improved object buy rates         ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ Haedoken's Armor Shop won't get stuck full anymore          ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ The Vendor on Yaaltin isnt new, its Oohltrey. Sorry:P       ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ You can use TRACK to find the Assassin now, not WHERE       ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ The Sahuagin Lord of Assassins is now flagged EQRESPAWN     ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ Sahuagin Lord of Assassins has trained Sneak to 10          ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ A new vendor on Yaaltin will buy your items at 50% value    ][ 11/02/2015 ]
[ New items added to the gold shop..                          ][ 11/01/2015 ]
[ [THE ABYSS] Dead ones can now be bashed                     ][ 11/01/2015 ]
[ A few more mobs can be backstabbed in THE ABYSS now         ][ 11/01/2015 ]
[ [THE ABYSS] Major EQ changes, NEW EQ added, XP increased    ][ 11/01/2015 ]
[ NEW ZONE: MYSTICAL CAVERNS                                  ][ 10/28/2015 ]
[ Thanks Leandrus, Gorchev won't teleport as often this year  ][ 10/28/2015 ]
[ Mobs that drop APS have a slim chance to drop tokens now    ][ 10/18/2015 ]
[ Conjured demons now only reduce align by -1 point each      ][ 10/13/2015 ]
[ Price of GOLD tweak token slashed to 5.5mil                 ][ 10/12/2015 ]
[ Bounty weapons now last 18 days, up from 14                 ][ 10/12/2015 ]
[ Make that 150AP for previous change                         ][ 10/12/2015 ]
[ The final bounty token can now be used for 200AP OR Weapon  ][ 10/12/2015 ]
[ New Bounty Office for Yaaltin                               ][ 10/12/2015 ]
[ Another round of NPC CONJURED demon nerfs                   ][ 10/12/2015 ]
[ Thanks to Dalek and Xweetok for helping automate bounties   ][ 10/03/2015 ]
[ Next Seasons Bounty Weapons are lvl 165 like intended       ][ 10/03/2015 ]
[ Bounty help file changes will come soon                     ][ 10/03/2015 ]
[ Krorokh spent 18 months training at Baek Jool recently..    ][ 10/02/2015 ]
[ All cities except Yaaltin have a bounty redemption office   ][ 10/02/2015 ]
[ Hawkblade no longer has the keyword 'sword'                 ][ 10/02/2015 ]
[ Values of solo AP ore has been increased                    ][ 10/02/2015 ]
[ The Baek Jool Temple is being constructed                   ][ 10/02/2015 ]
[ New bounties delayed temporarily while new system is put in ][ 10/01/2015 ]
[ Today's changes subject to upcoming reboot                  ][ 10/01/2015 ]
[ Some of Athena's EQ reworked                                ][ 10/01/2015 ]
[ NPC conjured Balor demons have much less health             ][ 10/01/2015 ]
[ Zonewide load increases in Numkrad, a few EQ adjustments    ][ 10/01/2015 ]
[ Bounties Updated, Season 5                                  ][ 10/01/2015 ]
[ Quartz helm in Hawks has a much better chance to load       ][ 09/21/2015 ]
[ Heavy shield of black metal in Volcano changed a bunch      ][ 09/21/2015 ]
[ Wickedly curved horns in Volcano: buffed a bit              ][ 09/21/2015 ]
[ XP values corrected in Volcano                              ][ 09/21/2015 ]
[ 1 Attack added to fire beast tail                           ][ 09/21/2015 ]
[ Volcano blade / Fire beast tail now load 100% of the time   ][ 09/21/2015 ]
[ Changes made to the way portals open in Evermore            ][ 09/18/2015 ]
[ This is reflected in the new 'help bounty' setup            ][ 09/07/2015 ]
[ All bounties must be completed for rewards                  ][ 09/07/2015 ]
[ Vrock Demons are sort of complicated, read 'help vrock'     ][ 09/07/2015 ]
[ To clarify, all NPC demons can group, except Balor/Hezrou   ][ 09/06/2015 ]
[ Hezrou demons conjured by NPCs can no longer group          ][ 09/06/2015 ]
[ [Black Rose Temple] XP & GOLD Increased                     ][ 09/06/2015 ]
[ Sigha's book in BRT load increased from 8%->55%             ][ 09/06/2015 ]
[ DOH, last change is incorrect, it is Bokov's pauldrons      ][ 09/06/2015 ]
[ 1.0dr added to Yoshi's geta in BRT                          ][ 09/06/2015 ]
[ 100% and highload EQ in BRTemple are no longer dload        ][ 09/06/2015 ]
[ [Black Rose Temple] Zonewide Load Percentage Increases      ][ 09/06/2015 ]
[ Demons conjured by NPCs shouldn't be so crazy again         ][ 09/06/2015 ]
[ 1x tweak token now available in rainbow prize pool - geodes ][ 09/05/2015 ]
[ All of Caverns of Flame is now CPK                          ][ 08/29/2015 ]
[ New Announcement feature on WHO, thanks Jag!                ][ 08/29/2015 ]
[ You can only summon 1 hezrou or vrock at once               ][ 08/26/2015 ]
[ NPC conjured Balors now detonate, but do not group          ][ 08/26/2015 ]
[ AP Tweak token cost lowered to 1,000                        ][ 08/26/2015 ]
[ Demons new abilities mainly only apply to Player conjures   ][ 08/26/2015 ]
[ Demons are no longer scavengers                             ][ 08/26/2015 ]
[ Marilith Demons now detonate                                ][ 08/26/2015 ]
[ Vrock Demons now heal anything in room outside of combat    ][ 08/26/2015 ]
[ 50APS will be rewarded per 100 Vrock feathers destroyed     ][ 08/26/2015 ]
[ Please contact me to do this, DO NOT MAIL THEM:)            ][ 08/26/2015 ]
[ Please forfeit all vrock feathers over the amount of 25     ][ 08/26/2015 ]
[ VROCK FEATHERS are now much rarer and more useful           ][ 08/26/2015 ]
[ Lots of changes to warlock demons, please report any bugs   ][ 08/26/2015 ]
[ Krorokh has some new equipment                              ][ 08/25/2015 ]
[ Krorokh now has a chance to load inside Hotel Colibri lobby ][ 08/25/2015 ]
[ clarification: the purple shards that used to be thrown     ][ 08/25/2015 ]
[ Purple geodes are now just treasure worth gold              ][ 08/25/2015 ]
[ [Caverns of Flame] Majority of rooms now deal HOT damage    ][ 08/25/2015 ]
[ Obsidian Tower is now !Scatter                              ][ 08/23/2015 ]
[ Hydra's held eq restatted                                   ][ 08/20/2015 ]
[ There is now a direct route to the hydra below CPK lake     ][ 08/20/2015 ]
[ Thanks to Leandrus for scripting autotweaking               ][ 08/20/2015 ]
[ Yoshikashira's Katana loads slightly more often             ][ 08/20/2015 ]
[ Neutral only room in Caverns of Flame removed               ][ 08/20/2015 ]
[ EQ in Caverns of Flame restatted, Balrog changes soon       ][ 08/20/2015 ]
[ Pewter boots load chance lowered, legs load chance raised   ][ 08/20/2015 ]
[ Geodes now expire after 24hrs, up from 12hrs                ][ 08/20/2015 ]
[ XP/GOLD increased in 'CPK Lake'                             ][ 08/20/2015 ]
[ 'CPK LAKE' / Caverns of Flame moved to south of Yaaltin     ][ 08/20/2015 ]
[ Tweak tokens can now be redeemed on the lake on Illenmark   ][ 08/20/2015 ]
[ New bounties posted                                         ][ 08/20/2015 ]
[ Bounties change 8/14/2015                                   ][ 08/12/2015 ]
[ All unused tomes have been deleted from the Golden Citadel  ][ 07/17/2015 ]
[ Tome weights in the Golden Citadel reduced by 50%           ][ 07/17/2015 ]
[ Shadows of the Grove in Cit no longer can detect invis      ][ 07/17/2015 ]
[ Ighac is no longer attackable with spells                   ][ 07/17/2015 ]
[ OGOX now always loads a object worth 71 APs                 ][ 07/17/2015 ]
[ OGOX can now be droned normally - EQ loads reworked also    ][ 07/17/2015 ]
[ Bounties changing 07/24/2015 - finish up!                   ][ 07/17/2015 ]
[ Evermore/Cit/Virut/Asgard - CP/GOLD logs needed:)           ][ 07/12/2015 ]
[ Still offering 100AP per person for 5 logs from above zones ][ 07/12/2015 ]
[ I no longer need cp/gold logs from Lords, thank you all     ][ 07/12/2015 ]
[ please use the TYPO command to report help file issues      ][ 07/07/2015 ]
[ WOO I fixeded it, HELP BOUNTY:p                             ][ 07/07/2015 ]
[ HELP BOUNTY doesn't work until I fix with Jaguar            ][ 07/07/2015 ]
[ Random Treasure is coming soon to major EQ zones            ][ 07/07/2015 ]
[ 'Help BOUNTY' will explain how the bounties work            ][ 07/07/2015 ]
[ Some fixes made to Gash Necromancer/Corpse HP reduced       ][ 07/07/2015 ]
[ Ruins of N'Durschleft now awards APs as intended            ][ 07/07/2015 ]
[ Lords plate now has 2ar                                     ][ 07/07/2015 ]
[ Weight on Caiman Wad & Tooth reduced by 75%                 ][ 07/07/2015 ]
[ You can only attempt the last 2 Lords bosses once           ][ 06/25/2015 ]
[ Bounty is available twice per player (max 50APS)            ][ 06/25/2015 ]
[ Ogox has a bounty on his head: 25ap per player              ][ 06/25/2015 ]
[ Maximum of 100AP per player please:) and thanks!            ][ 06/25/2015 ]
[ Mudmail me GOLD/CP Logs from those zones, 5 gets you 100AP  ][ 06/25/2015 ]
[ Citadel/Asgard/Evermore/Lords have more GOLD/XP             ][ 06/25/2015 ]
[ New bosses-soon to be limited to one attempt/respawn        ][ 06/22/2015 ]
[ 2 New optional bosses have appeared in Lords                ][ 06/22/2015 ]
[ Krys beasts around beastmaster have been reduced            ][ 06/12/2015 ]
[ Virut now has a wandering servant that grants bank access   ][ 06/12/2015 ]
[ Difficulty in Virut Manor adjusted to a 5 man group         ][ 06/12/2015 ]
[ Scythe in Virut now loads 100% of the time                  ][ 06/11/2015 ]
[ Shroud of Billaro now loads 100% of the time                ][ 06/11/2015 ]
[ A round of minor eq updates in Evermore, now 62% cooler     ][ 06/06/2015 ]
[ Santa in Evermore now has a super rare EQ                   ][ 06/06/2015 ]
[ Changes made to Bellenthar's armor and amulets              ][ 06/06/2015 ]
[ Nameless brings you Ruins of N'Durschleft                   ][ 06/04/2015 ]
[ Volcano mob keywords improved/fixed                         ][ 05/29/2015 ]
[ 1Attack/1.0Dice/+5charge added to Volcano Axe               ][ 05/29/2015 ]
[ +5 quadruple attack added to Bow of Wayland                 ][ 05/29/2015 ]
[ Bow of Wayland has had its pierce doubled to 6%             ][ 05/29/2015 ]
[ Bow of Wayland is now !Disarm                               ][ 05/29/2015 ]
[ A few more new permanent AP items added..                   ][ 05/28/2015 ]
[ DI Sneaking Cloak/Cauldron Item has been fixed and upgraded ][ 05/28/2015 ]
[ You can now convert CPS to APS in the CP Shop               ][ 05/27/2015 ]
[ Avatar armor in the CP shop: Cost reduced by 100 (now 250)  ][ 05/27/2015 ]
[ Tweak tokens have had their cost reduced gamewide           ][ 05/27/2015 ]
[ DI sword has had -2STR removed, .5dr/+3 stun added          ][ 05/27/2015 ]
[ Paingiver has had +3 critical hit added                     ][ 05/27/2015 ]
[ New Permanent AP items have been added to various AP shops  ][ 05/27/2015 ]
[ Thanks to Leandrus for continuous scripting                 ][ 05/24/2015 ]
[ Inanna v5.47500010 has been released                        ][ 05/24/2015 ]
[ Land of Nod has had its difficulty adjusted                 ][ 04/26/2015 ]
[ A lower level healer has been added to Yaaltin's Oasis      ][ 04/12/2015 ]
[ Some of Kanatu's EQ buffed a bit                            ][ 03/30/2015 ]
[ Law shield is now mintweak                                  ][ 03/30/2015 ]
[ Krorokh v1.0 has arrived, Necromium's new World Boss        ][ 03/29/2015 ]
[ Ogox can now be DRONED with a MAX of ONE drone              ][ 03/29/2015 ]
[ Odin's Helm is now mintweak                                 ][ 03/29/2015 ]
[ Krorokh Arrives Soon..                                      ][ 03/29/2015 ]
[ Ogox's EQ load percentages increased slightly               ][ 03/29/2015 ]
[ A few changes to the eq in the Vaandergash Swamp            ][ 03/19/2015 ]
[ DIs new boss is not located in the Bar where the others are ][ 03/19/2015 ]
[ Ridiculous Asgard key weights have been fixed               ][ 03/19/2015 ]
[ Gaze of command is now adjusted to mintweak, 1SP added      ][ 03/19/2015 ]
[ Previous changes to Sorrow Dagger was DICE not DR           ][ 03/19/2015 ]
[ Big changes coming soon to Inanna's EQ..                    ][ 03/16/2015 ]
[ Scars and benevolent shield in Cit now load 100%            ][ 03/15/2015 ]
[ Spellpower added to a few unused items in the Cit           ][ 03/15/2015 ]
[ 1.0AVG Dice and .6DEF added to the Bow of Wayland           ][ 03/15/2015 ]
[ .5DR added to pulsating elemental chunk                     ][ 03/15/2015 ]
[ .5DR and .4DEF added to Cit Vambraces                       ][ 03/15/2015 ]
[ 1AR added to studded ivory bracer                           ][ 03/15/2015 ]
[ Beastmaster gauntlets load percentage increased slightly    ][ 03/15/2015 ]
[ The Icy Pentagram is now a key to a cell in Evermore        ][ 03/15/2015 ]
[ A new optional boss is now in DI                            ][ 03/14/2015 ]
[ All major EQ zones have at least 1 significant locatable EQ ][ 03/14/2015 ]
[ Quill load percentage upped by a small amount               ][ 03/14/2015 ]
[ Only 1 serving boy and girl will ever load in Eranad's room ][ 03/14/2015 ]
[ Only 1 Eradani Knight will ever load in Eranad's room now   ][ 03/14/2015 ]
[ Sergeant Dorani in DI now loads something                   ][ 03/14/2015 ]
[ Guards zonewide in DI have had their HP reduced by 25%      ][ 03/14/2015 ]
[ 100% load EQ in general should no longer be death load      ][ 03/14/2015 ]
[ All final bosses in DI now each have a 100% load item       ][ 03/14/2015 ]
[ Danas in DI can no longer be hit by spells                  ][ 03/13/2015 ]
[ ZONE: Nameless brings you Nykips Hollow!                    ][ 03/13/2015 ]
[ Eranad's friends no longer leave his side                   ][ 03/11/2015 ]
[ Icy pentagram load percentage increased                     ][ 03/11/2015 ]
[ 1attack and 1damroll added to Assassin lord dagger          ][ 03/11/2015 ]
[ You can now go to a death room after killing Assassin lord  ][ 03/11/2015 ]
[ The Assassin lord in Evermore has new EQ                    ][ 03/11/2015 ]
[ .2defense and .5dr added to Ethen's claws                   ][ 03/11/2015 ]
[ Lord Hananaf, Wing Captain will occasionally arrive in DI   ][ 03/11/2015 ]
[ Kolandre the Bard in DI is now a new boss                   ][ 03/11/2015 ]
[ Many more mobs in Asgard can now be backstabbed             ][ 03/11/2015 ]
[ Soloable 'boss' mobs now typically have more gold           ][ 03/06/2015 ]
[ Orb at end of Black Temple can now actually load stuff      ][ 03/06/2015 ]
[ 1DR added to sorrow dagger                                  ][ 03/06/2015 ]
[ XP values in Lord Felis' jungle increased by 20%            ][ 03/06/2015 ]
[ XP in seacaves significantly increased                      ][ 03/06/2015 ]
[ Soloable bosses now drop a small amount of APs              ][ 03/06/2015 ]
[ AR is back on scars, long live Absorb                       ][ 03/06/2015 ]
[ A strange new blacksmith shop has opened up in Pineth Nor.. ][ 03/05/2015 ]
[ ZONE: Leandrus brings you The Temple of the Divine Lizard   ][ 03/05/2015 ]
[ A few new EQs & more gold added to the Dojang assassin      ][ 03/05/2015 ]
[ A few EQ changes in DI, few new things also added           ][ 03/05/2015 ]
[ Few more fun things added to Jaergan!                       ][ 03/03/2015 ]
[ 1 New EQ added to Jaergan in Virut, also bonus APs          ][ 03/03/2015 ]
[ Like a billion typos fixed, keep using 'typo' command       ][ 03/03/2015 ]
[ Some stats added to black grooved Volcano breastplate       ][ 03/03/2015 ]
[ A few more things added to Vaandergash's AP vendor          ][ 03/03/2015 ]
[ Should be much lesser chance at low levels being blinded    ][ 03/03/2015 ]
[ 1 New EQ added to Lords                                     ][ 03/03/2015 ]
[ Thor's cape is now mintweak with adjusted stats             ][ 03/03/2015 ]
[ APs removed from Odin, black portal now loads 2             ][ 03/03/2015 ]
[ 1AR added to bracer of unforgiving pain                     ][ 03/03/2015 ]
[ New gear shop for low to middle levels in Necro City        ][ 03/03/2015 ]
[ Some gear loads raised in The Abyss                         ][ 03/03/2015 ]
[ AR is back on Odin's ring, load percentage lowered          ][ 02/24/2015 ]
[ Quartz helm in hawks will load a bit more                   ][ 02/24/2015 ]
[ 2 Absorb and a little defense added to Cedar III's shield   ][ 02/19/2015 ]
[ A few changes to gear loads on the golden dragon            ][ 02/19/2015 ]
[ DI should never load more than the initial guards           ][ 02/09/2015 ]
[ Zones below are ok to run again, not !repop but longer      ][ 02/08/2015 ]
[ Zones listed below are to be avoided until I fix:P          ][ 02/08/2015 ]
[ I realize the key issues with no repops, be careful! :)     ][ 02/08/2015 ]
[ The Golden Citadel should no longer rePOP                   ][ 02/08/2015 ]
[ Some load percentages increased in DI and Asgard            ][ 02/08/2015 ]
[ Temple of the Black Rose should no longer rePOP             ][ 02/08/2015 ]
[ Forest of the Elven Empire should no longer rePOP           ][ 02/08/2015 ]
[ Virut should no longer rePOP                                ][ 02/08/2015 ]
[ Realm of Asgard should no longer rePOP                      ][ 02/08/2015 ]
[ Lords should no longer rePOP                                ][ 02/08/2015 ]
[ Obsidian Mines should no longer rePOP                       ][ 02/08/2015 ]
[ Devil's Island should no longer rePOP                       ][ 02/08/2015 ]
[ Arrows/Bows in Hawkmen no longer lootable                   ][ 02/05/2015 ]
[ Load percentage of hawkblade upped by a tiny bit            ][ 02/05/2015 ]
[ Some changes to a few pieces of Avenoth's EQ                ][ 02/05/2015 ]
[ some new AP shop items added, few new gold shop items       ][ 02/05/2015 ]
[ Haedoken AP shop removed, AP vendor added to gash           ][ 02/05/2015 ]
[ Vakana and Leandrus bring you Geodes 5.48!                  ][ 01/25/2015 ]
[ Big thanks to Xweetok for writing scripts!                  ][ 01/25/2015 ]
[ Illenmark AP shop has reopened, New items in both shops     ][ 01/25/2015 ]
[ Reminder: Config(at recalls), and 'search' exist:)          ][ 01/24/2015 ]
[ New benefits for Platinum Dojang card holders               ][ 01/18/2015 ]
[ AP shop prices WILL likely change as I keep an eye on stuff ][ 01/18/2015 ]
[ Clarification: APS drop off 1 boss per major group eq zone  ][ 01/18/2015 ]
[ Load percentages increased some on Cthulu                   ][ 01/18/2015 ]
[ Most group eq mobs can now drop APS and sometimes ore       ][ 01/18/2015 ]
[ MANY hp/dr nerfs in Elven Forest                            ][ 01/18/2015 ]
[ Centaur Island can now be accessed without dying.           ][ 01/18/2015 ]
[ Andalusian vault was broke, eq moved to other mobs          ][ 01/18/2015 ]
[ All AP shops except Necro closed temp, new items added      ][ 01/15/2015 ]
[ Xweetok is the new Ninja champion                           ][ 01/10/2015 ]
[ new rejuvenation potion added for low levels                ][ 01/10/2015 ]
[ Some geode quest changes, any feedback mudmail Vakana       ][ 01/10/2015 ]
[ restring and tweak tokens in gold shop reduced a bit        ][ 01/08/2015 ]
[ Nevermind, the glow flag on surt sword is bugged:(          ][ 01/06/2015 ]
[ Surt's greatsword now glows, and has -3RTF                  ][ 01/06/2015 ]
[ Changes to the unused equipment in Lords                    ][ 01/06/2015 ]
[ AP changes in process, shop not fully stocked.. yet         ][ 01/06/2015 ]
[ Forest of the Elven Empire -- many difficulty changes       ][ 09/26/2014 ]
[ Necromium City now has a mysterious new shop                ][ 08/22/2014 ]
[ New Zone: Forest of the Elven Empire                        ][ 08/18/2014 ]
[ All equipment tailored towards Melee Spellpower revised     ][ 08/18/2014 ]
[ Some minor changes to the Golden Citadel                    ][ 08/18/2014 ]
[ New command: TIMEZONE (or TZ)                               ][ 06/04/2014 ]
[ Rainbow Geodes are now flagged as death-load                ][ 10/03/2013 ]
[ Ogox the Worldbreaker, Necro's first world boss, has arisen ][ 09/25/2013 ]
[ The Reaper's crow in Virut has less Resistance to Magic     ][ 09/25/2013 ]
[ There are many more available familiars out in the world    ][ 09/25/2013 ]
[ Shidim's equipment loads have been increased                ][ 09/25/2013 ]
[ A new neutral-alignment item has been added to the CP Shop  ][ 09/25/2013 ]
[ Obsidian Mines had new equipment added to its second half   ][ 09/25/2013 ]
[ Many typos fixed (thanks Vakana!)                           ][ 09/25/2013 ]
[ Keywords have been improved in potion shops worldwide       ][ 09/25/2013 ]
[ The Drake King's Potion is mailable                         ][ 09/25/2013 ]
[ Count Avenoth has new equipment                             ][ 09/25/2013 ]
[ The great Necromancer was spotted in the Myrdaani Graveyard ][ 09/25/2013 ]
[ New Commands: TSTAT and TSHOW                               ][ 08/28/2013 ]
[ NORMSTAT and NORMSHOW made level 1 commands                 ][ 08/28/2013 ]
[ LOCATE OBJECT may not determine whether to run that EQ...   ][ 08/22/2013 ]
[ A lot of server changes to increase stability made          ][ 08/22/2013 ]
[ ZONES: Asgard has received a final update, with new items   ][ 07/30/2013 ]
[ New XFIND flags: -wearable, -worn/-slot (see HELP XFIND)    ][ 07/11/2013 ]
[ New command: STORAGEINFO                                    ][ 07/11/2013 ]
[ AFK flag does not prevent you from idling, use triggers     ][ 07/09/2013 ]
[ CONSTITUTION increases your MAX BREATH POINTS               ][ 07/01/2013 ]
[ MAX BREATH POINTS accurately shown on PROMPT                ][ 07/01/2013 ]
[ Individual mob tick timers extended slightly                ][ 07/01/2013 ]
[ Mobs now work on their own individual timers                ][ 06/30/2013 ]
[ DOJANG Grand Master and his guards have been made easier    ][ 06/28/2013 ]
[ Teams from every continent worked to rebuild the DOJANG     ][ 06/26/2013 ]
[ Trade Ring online viewer: necromium.com/armory/tradering/   ][ 06/23/2013 ]
[ To SAIL a direction (ie 'east'), you now 'sail <direction>' ][ 06/06/2013 ]
[ New XFIND flags: -name, -where, -owner to sort              ][ 06/06/2013 ]
[ XFIND updated with new design, more info, quantities        ][ 06/06/2013 ]
[ New ALTWHERE flags: -name, -level, -cps, and -cont to sort  ][ 06/04/2013 ]
[ A fire at the Baek Jool Dojang has collapsed the entrance   ][ 06/03/2013 ]
[ New command: ALTWHERE                                       ][ 06/01/2013 ]
[ New SHOWALTS flags: -name, -level, -class, -cps to sort     ][ 05/25/2013 ]
[ New commands: LINKMAIL, SHOWALTS, XFIND, and GOLDINFO       ][ 05/24/2013 ]
[ The WHIRLWIND spell is now level 7                          ][ 05/24/2013 ]
[ MEDITATING players can now be made to stand via WAKE        ][ 05/14/2013 ]
[ MEDITATE has been slightly improved                         ][ 05/14/2013 ]
[ Equipment updates have arrived to The Realm of Asgard       ][ 05/03/2013 ]
[ Some updates to The Lake of Shimmering                      ][ 05/03/2013 ]
[ Small updates to The Dwarven Mines                          ][ 05/03/2013 ]
[ Some Palace of Vaandergash and Eternity equipment updated   ][ 05/03/2013 ]
[ Anthrax slightly updated                                    ][ 05/03/2013 ]
[ Some smaller zones taken off of ZONES command               ][ 05/03/2013 ]
[ DEFENSE is now shown on GREPORT                             ][ 04/19/2013 ]
[ Iturri no longer requires maintaining hushed tones          ][ 04/17/2013 ]
[ The SING command now provides more detailed information     ][ 03/25/2013 ]
[ APPRAISE will now show how POISONED a weapon is             ][ 03/21/2013 ]
[ Usable items will show charges on APPRAISE and NORMSTAT     ][ 03/20/2013 ]
[ Negative affects will show in red on AFFECTS                ][ 03/20/2013 ]
[ New PROMPT flag: &W, to show when you are DISARMED          ][ 03/20/2013 ]
[ Timestamps in SHOWLOG will now match the format from 'TIME' ][ 03/19/2013 ]
[ FAMILIARS, CHARMED MOBS, and DEMONS are also safe in groups ][ 03/17/2013 ]
[ More code written to prevent DI crash from Orb drop         ][ 03/17/2013 ]
[ CORPSES can now RECALL from ANTI-RECALL rooms/zones         ][ 03/17/2013 ]
[ Using ASSIST in combat can now re-target for you            ][ 03/17/2013 ]
[ You cannot accidentally attack a GROUP MEMBER anymore       ][ 03/16/2013 ]
[ You can cast DISPEL MAGIC on yourself without ungrouping    ][ 03/16/2013 ]
[ New command: BEACONINFO (data also now shown on full SCORE) ][ 03/14/2013 ]
[ GREPORT and GTEST will truncate mob names to fit            ][ 03/13/2013 ]
[ GREPORT outputs will now show group position numbers        ][ 03/13/2013 ]
[ The time in TIME now shown in 12-hour time (with timezone)  ][ 03/13/2013 ]
[ New PROMPT flags @1-@9, @P, @T, @Z, @_, +1-+9 (HELP PROMPT) ][ 03/13/2013 ]
[ You can now target SPELLS by GROUP POSITION ('c heal 4')    ][ 03/13/2013 ]
[ SCORE FULL has been replaced by DISPLAY FULLSCORE           ][ 03/11/2013 ]
[ New command: FINDZONE                                       ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ MANY zone help files have better directions now             ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ ZONELIST more accurately reflects zone level ranges         ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ LEVELING will tell you any skills/spells you unlock         ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ A new NEWBIE TOUR has been created                          ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ DETECT MAGIC shows the types of regen/anti-regen in rooms   ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ WORD OF RECALL spell available to Mages/Clerics at Lev 10   ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ RECALL command now works up to level 10                     ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ HARM now the default spell for Clerics                      ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ HARM spell available at level 1 w/ fewer reqs & less mana   ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ TRIP now the default skill for Thieves                      ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ Zone help files now show if DRONES may be used              ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ Soul boxes will no longer appear in the SEA CAVES           ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ The LAKE OF SHIMMERING has been updated a bit               ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ The SEA SERPENT now has some more equipment                 ][ 03/08/2013 ]
[ Inanna's Temple has the closest non-PK room to Gash Recall  ][ 03/01/2013 ]
[ Duration of COMBAT MIND spell increased                     ][ 02/28/2013 ]
[ Small updates to training commands in guild halls           ][ 02/28/2013 ]
[ Bank commands will now accept commas in them                ][ 02/28/2013 ]
[ House boats balanced - some boats added/removed/sped up     ][ 02/28/2013 ]
[ Upon dying, more specific instructions will show up         ][ 02/27/2013 ]
[ BREATH POINTS are now shown to Bards on SCORE FULL          ][ 02/27/2013 ]
[ The Forgotten Depths of Llorhk (Giths) has been updated     ][ 02/27/2013 ]
[ The Shield of Xanhador is now Death-Load                    ][ 02/27/2013 ]
[ SPELL POWER is now shown on SCORE                           ][ 02/27/2013 ]
[ New options: SCORE (basic) or SCORE FULL (advanced)         ][ 02/27/2013 ]
[ New command for group leaders: LSAY (or '<')                ][ 02/26/2013 ]
[ New color option to customize: LSAY                         ][ 02/26/2013 ]
[ SPLIT can accept commas in its amount to split              ][ 02/26/2013 ]
[ DEFENSE displayed on prompt now includes tenths of points   ][ 02/26/2013 ]
[ The RENEWAL spell will ignore corpses with items in them    ][ 02/25/2013 ]
[ Non-cleric HEAL on others will heal for fewer HP            ][ 02/24/2013 ]
[ The HEAL spell now costs 20% less mana to cast              ][ 02/24/2013 ]
[ Warrior Armor Rating has significantly more effectiveness   ][ 02/24/2013 ]
[ Armor Rating affects all melee damage, not only damroll     ][ 02/24/2013 ]
[ CURE LIGHT and CURE CRITICAL will heal for more HP          ][ 02/24/2013 ]
[ The RENEWAL skill can be trained by single-class clerics    ][ 02/24/2013 ]
[ Warrior melee has more variability than it did before       ][ 02/24/2013 ]
[ New players start with AUTOLOOT/SPLIT/SACRIFICE turned on   ][ 02/24/2013 ]
[ Current AUTOLOOT/GOLD/SPLIT/SAC state is now shown on SCORE ][ 02/24/2013 ]
[ TELEPORT command has less lag for corpses                   ][ 02/24/2013 ]
[ There is a new buyer of junk & flotsam in the Necro Dumps   ][ 02/21/2013 ]
[ Vaandergash and Illenmark Cities have opened jeweler shops! ][ 02/21/2013 ]
[ CLANWHERE and SHIPWHERE have been widened to show more data ][ 02/21/2013 ]
[ Demons/familiars will be smarter with their casting choices ][ 02/21/2013 ]
[ The College & Mountain of Evermore's EQ re-updated slightly ][ 02/21/2013 ]
[ CP Shop items have been revised to have longer expirations  ][ 02/21/2013 ]
[ Andarx the Armorer is much more picky about his purchases   ][ 02/21/2013 ]
[ QUICKBLADES OVERTURE can now be sung without a group        ][ 02/19/2013 ]
[ THROWN items will now show that stat on idshow & normshow   ][ 02/19/2013 ]
[ The SEARCH command now uses fewer moves & fails less often  ][ 02/17/2013 ]
[ You can now use commands like '2e4nw' to move (+in aliases) ][ 02/16/2013 ]
[ No more minimum level to gossip or to mail                  ][ 02/15/2013 ]
[ DISPEL MAGIC can now be used on self or items in any room   ][ 02/15/2013 ]
[ Gaining levels will now show to a player's group            ][ 02/13/2013 ]
[ The College and Mountain of Evermore received big EQ update ][ 02/12/2013 ]
[ The Land of Nod got sleepier, should be more manageable     ][ 02/12/2013 ]
[ The Abyss: Satan shopped at the underworld's armor shop     ][ 02/12/2013 ]
[ Tells can be sent to players in menus or who are writing    ][ 02/12/2013 ]
[ APPRAISE and NORMSTAT are now basic commands, not skills    ][ 02/12/2013 ]
[ Colored class by alignment on who no longer avatar-only     ][ 02/06/2013 ]
[ The Illenmark Gondola will automatically return to its dock ][ 02/06/2013 ]
[ Donations rooms will hold onto their items much longer      ][ 02/06/2013 ]
[ A caster-themed new player shop is now in Necromium City    ][ 02/01/2013 ]
[ WHOIS now shows a character's class path                    ][ 01/17/2013 ]
[ Necro now has built-in triggers! See INFO 427,HELP TRIGGERS ][ 01/06/2013 ]
[ Movement speed changes are now weighted by total level      ][ 01/03/2013 ]
[ New commands: CHECKTRAIN and CHECKUNTRAIN                   ][ 12/30/2012 ]
[ Until January 5th, untrain costs are on a half-off sale!    ][ 12/30/2012 ]
[ Andalusian Mines & Dojang have had their guard budgets cut  ][ 12/30/2012 ]
[ Mailbox size limits have been increased to 25               ][ 12/29/2012 ]
[ Inspecting: LOOK for mobs/players, EXAMINE for rooms/items  ][ 12/28/2012 ]
[ New command: FINDDICE                                       ][ 12/27/2012 ]
[ Movement now has a speed limit: see HELP MOVEMENT SPEED     ][ 12/27/2012 ]
[ Hot/cold weapon damage amounts are more randomized          ][ 12/25/2012 ]
[ Weapon Dice now tweak by +/- 3.0 or 1.5 (full/mintweak)     ][ 12/25/2012 ]
[ You will never again fail meditating twice in a row         ][ 12/24/2012 ]
[ You will never again lose concentration twice in a row      ][ 12/24/2012 ]
[ Dojang: Assassin now holds his star, requires killing       ][ 12/24/2012 ]
[ RECOUNT SHARE command added                                 ][ 12/24/2012 ]
[ AP and CP shops have been updated!                          ][ 12/24/2012 ]
[ Andalusian Mines will now reward adventurers seeking exp    ][ 12/24/2012 ]
[ You can now just use 'speed max' when sailing               ][ 12/23/2012 ]
[ Healer Mobs will now cast remove poison and resurrect       ][ 12/21/2012 ]
[ New command: NOSHARE                                        ][ 12/21/2012 ]
[ New command: RECOUNT MELEE SHARE                            ][ 12/21/2012 ]
[ RECOUNT now displays total healing and damage info          ][ 12/21/2012 ]
[ SHIPWHERE now lists ship in order of their speed            ][ 12/19/2012 ]
[ Commas are now displayed on many numbers                    ][ 12/19/2012 ]
[ New command: RECOUNT MELEE                                  ][ 12/18/2012 ]
[ New commands: RECOUNT and CLEARCOUNT                        ][ 12/18/2012 ]
[ Maeglos' Stronghold has received a face-lift!               ][ 12/10/2012 ]
[ Hardsten Manor is slightly less overrun by ants now         ][ 12/10/2012 ]
[ New spell: FROZEN TOUCH                                     ][ 12/05/2012 ]
[ New spell: INVOCATION OF DEATH                              ][ 12/02/2012 ]
[ New assassin ability: CHANTED ASSASSINATION                 ][ 12/02/2012 ]
[ The Virut Manor got a remodel                               ][ 11/29/2012 ]
[ The Land of Nod has been significantly updated              ][ 11/29/2012 ]
[ The Hardsten Manor received a minor tune-up                 ][ 11/29/2012 ]
[ Lord Eranad has chosen to hide whether he holds a quill!    ][ 11/29/2012 ]
[ Lair of Lazaar was strengthened itself a bit                ][ 11/29/2012 ]
[ Small updates were made to The Hills of Vadergrad (Hawkmen) ][ 11/29/2012 ]
[ Maeglos' Stronghold is (temporarily) inaccessible           ][ 11/29/2012 ]
[ Berserk will now hit all targets in the room                ][ 11/24/2012 ]
[ 3 new customizable color options: EXP, CPS, and GOLD        ][ 11/17/2012 ]
[ Kanatu (An Enchanted Forest) has received equipment updates ][ 11/11/2012 ]
[ Living Armor/Demonskin can now grant casters Spell Power    ][ 11/11/2012 ]
[ New items in the CP shop! (Also, 'look tokens' in the shop) ][ 11/11/2012 ]
[ Healing spells now display the amount healed                ][ 11/10/2012 ]
[ The Lost Ship of the Ouset People has been updated          ][ 11/10/2012 ]
[ The Hall of Worlds has received some updates!               ][ 11/09/2012 ]
[ The AFK flag should now properly keep you from idling out   ][ 11/05/2012 ]
[ Necromium City now has a CP Shop, to purchase special items ][ 11/03/2012 ]
[ Reminder: you can update your settings through CONFIGURE    ][ 11/02/2012 ]
[ Other: Thanks Vakana for all the help, & welcome as an IMM! ][ 10/27/2012 ]
[ The Ruins of Rl'yeh: Major updates... Cthulhu rises!        ][ 10/27/2012 ]
[ New zone: Temple of the Black Rose (thanks Sykro!)          ][ 10/27/2012 ]
[ Dungeons of Numkrad now has items for all avatar classes    ][ 10/27/2012 ]
[ Crimdrac's Castle, Hulion Village, Xanhador: minor updates  ][ 10/27/2012 ]
[ Tokenboy now carries a Llyod's Beacon, not orbs             ][ 10/27/2012 ]
[ Updates to Varnia, the Volcano, and Iridium Castle          ][ 09/27/2012 ]
[ Lots of EQ changes made; read INFO 426 for details          ][ 09/26/2012 ]
[ Seaman Trent claims to have discovered The Ruins of Rl'yeh! ][ 09/15/2012 ]
[ Devenon kindly decides to be slightly nicer to visitors     ][ 09/14/2012 ]
[ Lord Felis went on a shopping spree at the EQ Mart          ][ 09/14/2012 ]
[ The Monastery of Devenon is again receiving parishoners     ][ 09/08/2012 ]
[ Andalusian Mines excavated, with a 'drones welcome' sign    ][ 07/05/2012 ]
[ Andalusian Mines entrance has caved in, excavation underway ][ 04/13/2012 ]
[ House Arturon has been lost to the ages...                  ][ 02/02/2012 ]
[ Alliances are now limited to two noble houses               ][ 02/02/2012 ]
[ HELP KEY updated to reflect current policies                ][ 12/14/2011 ]
[ Pre-requisites on Heighten Senses changed                   ][ 12/03/2011 ]
[ Spell Power will now tweak on items                         ][ 12/03/2011 ]
[ Andalusian Mines lost their keys and changed their locks    ][ 12/03/2011 ]
[ Ice Caverns just got in touch with their elemental side     ][ 12/03/2011 ]
[ Heighten Senses tweaked some                                ][ 12/01/2011 ]
[ Another minor tweak to Lords... should be more manageable   ][ 11/28/2011 ]
[ The Lords of the Depths decided to live up to their names   ][ 11/27/2011 ]
[ Devenon monastery closes its doors due to flu.              ][ 10/31/2011 ]
[ Abyss saw an armorer and had some work done.                ][ 10/31/2011 ]
[ The Ancient Pyramid can no longer have drones used in it    ][ 10/17/2011 ]
[ The sea serpent has arrived.                                ][ 10/17/2011 ]
[ Sea serpent is making its way back to Necromium's waters!   ][ 10/14/2011 ]
[ The students of the Dojang have been training hard          ][ 10/14/2011 ]
[ New quest items can now be purchased for APs                ][ 10/14/2011 ]
[ Orion got tired of being soloed, and went to the gym!       ][ 10/14/2011 ]
[ The Forbidden Swamp is now a bit more forbidden...          ][ 10/14/2011 ]
[ Virut Manor now hides some new enemies...                   ][ 10/14/2011 ]
[ New throwable weapons have been introduced into the world   ][ 10/14/2011 ]
[ SHIPWHERE now includes ship max speeds                      ][ 10/03/2011 ]
[ Webmud: updated to allow semicolons ("dance;strut")         ][ 08/03/2011 ]
[ Webmud: apps.facebook.com/necromium or necromium.com/webmud ][ 07/29/2011 ]
[ Webmud updated to allow repeated commands ("#3 say hi")     ][ 07/29/2011 ]
[ %Z (status of target) on prompt now works                   ][ 07/27/2011 ]
[ TRAIN listings are now color-coded                          ][ 04/13/2011 ]
[ Zone name now shows on appraise                             ][ 04/13/2011 ]
[ New command: SHAREALIAS                                     ][ 04/13/2011 ]
[ New command: SHOWALIAS                                      ][ 04/13/2011 ]
[ New zone: Centaur Island (thanks Aryth)                     ][ 04/09/2011 ]
[ ZONES now takes 'up' and 'down' as arguments                ][ 04/08/2011 ]
[ Aliases now work properly with the lag stack                ][ 04/08/2011 ]
[ New prompt option, &P, for those who solo                   ][ 04/02/2011 ]
[ Minor tweak range change made                               ][ 03/25/2011 ]
[ Doublecasting works w/out caster needing to be in combat    ][ 03/23/2011 ]
[ BASH made more effective                                    ][ 03/23/2011 ]
[ 'ZONES' can now take a continent name as an argument        ][ 03/22/2011 ]
[ 'ZONES' can take a zone name as a parameter now             ][ 03/21/2011 ]
[ Stuns from meteor storm and warrior stun should happen more ][ 03/21/2011 ]
[ Combat commands get lagged/queued, others now do not        ][ 03/16/2011 ]
[ Mail sender name is now a keyword on pieces of mail         ][ 03/15/2011 ]
[ When ore loads, will send a message to everyone online      ][ 03/06/2011 ]
[ New feature: DRONE (HELP DRONE for more information)        ][ 03/06/2011 ]
[ New command: TARGET                                         ][ 03/05/2011 ]
[ Iron ore loads increased by 10x                             ][ 03/04/2011 ]
[ Warrior melee upgraded slightly                             ][ 03/04/2011 ]
[ Tokenboy's zone will again be gossiped (not shouted)        ][ 03/04/2011 ]
[ Test: who -c re-enabled, overseas flags updated             ][ 02/21/2011 ]
[ ZONE: Caverns of Flame has re-appeared                      ][ 01/20/2011 ]
[ ENCASING SOULS will now truly steal your opponent's life    ][ 01/17/2011 ]
[ Castle Anthrax now respawns                                 ][ 01/17/2011 ]
[ Souls don't require bringing to priest: 'life' at recall    ][ 01/17/2011 ]
[ Items can now be 'bound' to you.  Scrolls at Necro Scribe.  ][ 01/17/2011 ]
[ Andalusian Mines now respawns                               ][ 01/15/2011 ]
[ Following (in groups) now works aboard ships                ][ 01/15/2011 ]
[ Test: [Overseas] flag on who removed, who -c disabled       ][ 01/14/2011 ]
[ Boss mob code removed, looting problems should go away      ][ 01/14/2011 ]
[ Hills of Vadergrad (Hawks) will now respawn                 ][ 01/14/2011 ]
[ New zone: The Hardsten Manor (thanks Savior)                ][ 12/30/2010 ]
[ Worldwide Astronomical Society: much easier to get to Orion ][ 12/22/2010 ]
[ ZONES command now tells if zone has been run or not         ][ 12/21/2010 ]
[ Zones no longer depop.  'ZONES' shows time since respawn    ][ 12/15/2010 ]
[ Some broken alchemy recipes (on scrolls) removed            ][ 12/14/2010 ]
[ +skill gear only applies if you have >= 10 base skill       ][ 12/14/2010 ]
[ CHARGE, BERSERK, & others cost moves if no target           ][ 12/14/2010 ]
[ Experiment: melee damage modification on thieves & warriors ][ 12/07/2010 ]
[ Untraining cost cut in half                                 ][ 11/16/2010 ]
[ Experiment: EXP doubled temporarily                         ][ 11/15/2010 ]
[ Spell Changes: FROST BITE and RENEWAL updated               ][ 11/10/2010 ]
[ New command: SHOWDICE                                       ][ 10/29/2010 ]
[ ZONES: "Up" zones are now shown at the bottom               ][ 09/16/2010 ]
[ When you die, you spawn at the priest now                   ][ 09/16/2010 ]
[ Hospital healers are no longer invis, and have keywords     ][ 09/16/2010 ]
[ Mob stats now show in grep                                  ][ 12/30/2009 ]
[ New command: CASINO (hardcoded AWAT casino)                 ][ 12/20/2009 ]
[ Worldwide Astronomical Society Black Holes will spawn again ][ 12/20/2009 ]
[ Flame touch / Encasing souls changed to personal affects    ][ 12/14/2009 ]
[ Armory enhancements: locker and mail EQ shown as well       ][ 12/04/2009 ]
[ Sanc auto-untrained, CPs refunded, likely gone for good     ][ 12/01/2009 ]
[ Armory changed, shows all (true) stats.                     ][ 11/29/2009 ]
[ Sanc gone, likely for good.                                 ][ 11/29/2009 ]
[ Nov. 24: Respawn messages show zone that spawned, bugfixes  ][ 11/24/2009 ]
[ Nov. 22 reboot: bug fixes to enhanced hide, kick, and more  ][ 11/23/2009 ]
[ Website: New: Necromium ARMORY (www.necromium.com/armory)   ][ 11/20/2009 ]
[ Tavs using enh. hide will show as Someone on who            ][ 11/20/2009 ]
[ Tweaks will happen much more often                          ][ 11/20/2009 ]
[ New command: DAMDICE                                        ][ 11/16/2009 ]
[ New command: NORMSHOW                                       ][ 11/15/2009 ]
[ The SANCTUARY spell has been removed from the game (Beta)   ][ 11/15/2009 ]
[ All damage done in combat now shows amount dealt            ][ 11/14/2009 ]
[ New damage message: eviscerate                              ][ 11/13/2009 ]
[ Melee now shows damage done/taken in fights                 ][ 11/13/2009 ]
[ New command: NORMSTAT                                       ][ 11/13/2009 ]
[ GROUP command no longer takes you out of meditate           ][ 11/13/2009 ]
[ Zone Change: Hobs is back on Necro continent                ][ 11/12/2009 ]
[ Trade Ring (item detail page) now shows seller name         ][ 11/12/2009 ]
[ Backstab can now attempt up to 3 stabs                      ][ 11/12/2009 ]
[ New command: SHIPWHERE                                      ][ 11/12/2009 ]
[ Helpfile changes: HELP CPTRANS and HELP CPBANK              ][ 11/12/2009 ]
[ Sea Serpent brought back (for now)                          ][ 11/12/2009 ]
[ Helpfile changes: HELP ASSHOLE and HELP COORDINATES         ][ 11/12/2009 ]
[ CP Bank implemented for 100k CP characters                  ][ 11/12/2009 ]
[ Kick-muting works on mobs again                             ][ 11/12/2009 ]
[ Spots of the Lizard (Caiman) now work properly              ][ 11/12/2009 ]
[ Houses may upgrade ship weapons. See forums for details.    ][ 12/27/2008 ]
[ The Necromium-Illenmark Link is back.                       ][ 10/18/2008 ]
[ Cit,Abyss & DI should be doable by SLIGHTLY smaller groups  ][ 10/13/2008 ]
[ The first rooms of Abyss and Citadel are now NPK.           ][ 05/19/2008 ]
[ Evermore will respawn correctly now.. for real this time!   ][ 04/21/2008 ]
[ Public ships have received a speed upgrade.                 ][ 04/06/2008 ]
[ Gorth's power has faded just a little...                    ][ 02/26/2008 ]
[ The Temple of Vaandergash priests have a little less RTM    ][ 02/09/2008 ]
[ Blackened Portal has changed. Read HELP RECHARGE            ][ 02/03/2008 ]
[ Portal in CPK redwood grove will 'flicker'                  ][ 02/02/2008 ]
[ Drake King is now death load.                               ][ 02/02/2008 ]
[ The sea serpent has been temporarily removed.               ][ 01/18/2008 ]
[ House diplomacy is now shared among alliances               ][ 12/11/2007 ]
[ New command: ZONES                                          ][ 12/10/2007 ]
[ Allies can attack each other should they so desire..        ][ 12/06/2007 ]
[ PKs inside Noble House zones now count for the PK counter   ][ 12/06/2007 ]
[ Rentable orbs are now temporary (two weeks)                 ][ 12/03/2007 ]
[ A tall shadow is cast over the Ironfist Mountains...        ][ 11/27/2007 ]
[ A new path as been discovered through The Southern Forest   ][ 10/25/2007 ]
[ The docks of Devil's Island are SLIGHTLY less dangerous...  ][ 10/17/2007 ]
[ Pygmies have been vanishing from their village each night.. ][ 10/17/2007 ]
[ The ghost of Elsandra has been temporarily removed.         ][ 10/10/2007 ]
[ The Ancient Pyramid is back (and updated)                   ][ 10/09/2007 ]
[ The Trade Ring's interface has been simplified              ][ 09/07/2007 ]
[ Kanatu has been tweaked a bit                               ][ 09/05/2007 ]
[ An Enchanted Forest has less CPK areas.                     ][ 09/05/2007 ]
[ A Mysterious Cyprus Grove is NPK and open to all.           ][ 09/05/2007 ]
[ Players have [Home] flags from being in RE zones in general ][ 08/18/2007 ]
[ Casting curse on items no longer makes them !remove forever ][ 08/18/2007 ]
[ Devil's Island has SPK on the docks                         ][ 08/15/2007 ]
[ Winds of Fate quest is back                                 ][ 08/09/2007 ]
[ New spell: ENCASING SOULS                                   ][ 08/03/2007 ]
[ The Village of Maederaan has ended its seclusion.           ][ 08/01/2007 ]
[ Character points have been hard capped at 100k              ][ 07/28/2007 ]
[ New command: INVITE                                         ][ 07/28/2007 ]
[ Some "anti spam" code has been added                        ][ 07/22/2007 ]
[ New command: IGNORE                                         ][ 07/22/2007 ]
[ New spell: protection from poison                           ][ 07/22/2007 ]
[ Replaced two bard songs with ones that are actually useful! ][ 07/22/2007 ]
[ New skill: TACTICAL STRIKES                                 ][ 07/17/2007 ]
[ PRELAG added to all movement spells                         ][ 07/16/2007 ]
[ QLevel quest has been hardcoded and improved                ][ 07/16/2007 ]
[ ALCHEMY skill updated, see HELP ALCHEMY for more            ][ 07/12/2007 ]
[ New prompt options, see HELP PROMPT for more info           ][ 07/12/2007 ]
[ New command: GROUPDICE                                      ][ 07/10/2007 ]
[ New command: idshow -- check the forums for more info       ][ 07/09/2007 ]
[ Setting an AFK flag will now prevent you from idling out    ][ 07/09/2007 ]
[ The Eastern Highway has received a face lift.               ][ 07/09/2007 ]
[ Token Boy is back with his shiny token                      ][ 07/05/2007 ]
[ Asgard has received an update                               ][ 07/03/2007 ]
[ 'identify' spell gone, replaced with 'appraise'             ][ 07/03/2007 ]
[ Showlog house/ally combined into showlog house              ][ 06/30/2007 ]
[ Log in/out/death/pk/lvl shown to houses, allies (if wanted) ][ 06/30/2007 ]
[ Houses can show allies ship/member locations on clanwhere   ][ 06/30/2007 ]
[ [ZONE] The ghost ship is back                               ][ 06/29/2007 ]
[ Oceans are back!                                            ][ 06/29/2007 ]
[ CON attribute given another bonus                           ][ 06/28/2007 ]
[ Qualitative resistance information displayed on SCORE       ][ 06/28/2007 ]
[ New info displayed with WHOIS                               ][ 06/28/2007 ]
[ Dexterity and RTM have been balanced.. Check the forums!    ][ 06/27/2007 ]
[ The KICK skill has been revamped                            ][ 06/27/2007 ]
[ New command: CONFIGURE                                      ][ 06/27/2007 ]
[ There is now a small minimum chance to hit melee attacks    ][ 06/26/2007 ]
[ Thieves actually need to train enhanced hide to use it!     ][ 06/26/2007 ]
[ Wards/poison no longer kill, but will drop to near death    ][ 06/25/2007 ]
[ New command: untrain                                        ][ 06/25/2007 ]
[ New command: PROMPT DISPLAY                                 ][ 06/24/2007 ]
[ Maximum storage has increased from 50 to 100 items          ][ 06/23/2007 ]
[ Main page Recent News is back! www.necromium.com            ][ 06/20/2007 ]
[ There is a new tower for heroes to climb!                   ][ 06/20/2007 ]
[ Flame Touch?!?  I thought they removed that!!               ][ 06/20/2007 ]
[ Dragon Battles return!  Check the forums for more info      ][ 06/17/2007 ]
[ New command: SOLO                                           ][ 06/14/2007 ]
[ Who -c and who -z now use up movement points                ][ 06/14/2007 ]
[ Can no longer emote/AFK while dead                          ][ 06/14/2007 ]
[ [ZONE] Evermore will now respawn                            ][ 06/13/2007 ]
[ Smoke rises from the forests on Haedoken...                 ][ 06/07/2007 ]
[ SPK is back!                                                ][ 06/07/2007 ]
[ [EQ] Now more newbie equipment around Necro City            ][ 05/05/2007 ]
[ Pixies is !33                                               ][ 04/16/2007 ]
[ Swandive of Suicide may sound like a good idea, but...      ][ 03/31/2007 ]
[ [EQ] Count Avenoth has received an update.                  ][ 03/22/2007 ]
[ Check out the Trade Forum! necromium.com/forums             ][ 03/22/2007 ]
[ Resource gatherers have stopped gathering                   ][ 03/19/2007 ]
[ [MOB] Shidim has taken a mighty blow from Flood             ][ 03/18/2007 ]
[ [ZONE] Devil's Island has been rediscovered!                ][ 03/11/2007 ]
[ [ZONE] The Ancient Sepulcher is back.                       ][ 03/11/2007 ]
[ [ZONE] Varnia is now !soulbox                               ][ 02/24/2007 ]
[ Chat rules have been changed. See HELP CHAT                 ][ 02/20/2007 ]
[ Autocleric rules have been changed. See HELP AUTOCLERIC     ][ 02/20/2007 ]
[ [ZONE] Solar now loads in Citadel.                          ][ 01/23/2007 ]
[ Intercontinental travel has been 'upgraded'                 ][ 12/14/2006 ]
[ [PLAYER] Seosaimhin may no longer discuss my spelling.      ][ 11/28/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] The Lake of Shimmering returns, beneathe the croc!   ][ 11/28/2006 ]
[ [ITEM] Orbs now have 2 types. Rentable / !rent.             ][ 11/16/2006 ]
[ [ZONE]Palace of Vaandergash and Eternity depop time doubled ][ 11/15/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] the Isle of Ji'Zhylan now re-spawns                  ][ 11/15/2006 ]
[ Jeargans Beast will no longer load Solar eq                 ][ 11/14/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Genies and Demons -- Beggar now works via script     ][ 11/07/2006 ]
[ [EQ] The Virut Manor -- All eq is now death_load!           ][ 10/27/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Fates will now all respawn at the same time          ][ 10/21/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] The Palace of Vaandergash & Eternity will now respawn][ 10/21/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] The Realm of Asgard portals are no longer death_load ][ 10/17/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] the Sahuagin Priest now protects Lords ...           ][ 10/13/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] The Baekjool Dojang is now able to respawn!          ][ 10/13/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Lords unlinked until charmie/sanc/rebound bug fixed  ][ 10/12/2006 ]
[ [EQ] The last two new eq's added to The Golden Citadel      ][ 10/11/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Lords peaceful room has returned. Die safely.        ][ 10/10/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Lords no longer requires ward. Simply walk in.       ][ 10/07/2006 ]
[ [PLAYER] Seosaimhin may no longer discuss my grammar        ][ 09/27/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Gorth has ran out of magical energy                  ][ 09/27/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Gorth's magic is fading ...                          ][ 09/20/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Crimdrac's should respawn now.                       ][ 09/19/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Certain 'gold' mobs have been adjusted (+)           ][ 09/08/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Massive Cathedral mobs adjusted to fit toughness     ][ 09/06/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Inanna back -- and she is pissed off!                ][ 08/22/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Inanna un-linked. Buggy script to be fixed.          ][ 08/21/2006 ]
[ [EQ] A few items in a few zones have been upgraded ...      ][ 08/14/2006 ]
[ [QUEST] Linus the Adventurer has been laid to rest.         ][ 08/08/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] The Golden Citadel - key for beast master moved      ][ 08/08/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Inanna is now fixed.                                 ][ 08/08/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] The Monastery of Devenon is now !SOUL_BOX            ][ 08/03/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] The Golden Citadel has returned ... beware ...       ][ 07/22/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] The Golden Citadel being removed/revamped            ][ 07/18/2006 ]
[ [ORB] AP sanctuary orbs are now slevel 10                   ][ 07/18/2006 ]
[ [ZONE] Bloodpebble has a new entrance . beneathe the skulls ][ 07/18/2006 ]
[ [CODE] You can no longer be summoned from CPK               ][ 07/17/2006 ]
[ Zone: Orcish Village                                        ][ 06/29/2006 ]
[ Zone: The Mines of Ak'shaban                                ][ 06/29/2006 ]

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