21 d 8 h 35 m
3 players


Please note that any submissions not conforming to the following guidelines will be ignored.
- Submissions must be under your mud characters name. Please choose a single name (ie. your main character), and submit pictures under only that one name.
Note: If a person is discovered to be submitting images under more than one name, that person will be banned from the gallery.
- A maximum of upto 10 images will be allowed for each person.
- All pictures submitted will appear on one webpage. This means if you have 10 images all at maximum width/height and file size, you are going to have one long and slow loading web page, so please keep that in mind.
- Content of images will only be loosely regulated. Only those pictures judged to be extremely objectionable will be removed from the gallery. In other words, please use common sense.
- Maximum dimensions: 450 by 700 pixels
Which means maximum width is 450 pixels, and maximum height is 700 pixels.
- Only JPG and GIF format files will be accepted.
- Each image file must not exceed 200k.
- Each file must have in it's filename the name you use in the gallery (this is for identification purposes).
ie. If your name is "Thisname", then thisname1.jpg, thisname2.jpg, etc
- Each image can be accompanied by a short caption of upto and including 20 words which will be placed below each picture.
- Each person is entitled to a short intro blurb of upto and including 100 words which will be placed at the top of their gallery (only words, no images). This blurb can include anything from self-bio's to links to exterior sites. No special formating (ie. bold, italics, different colors, etc) will be accepted.
Once again, please use common sense when submitting your blurbs (in other words, no profanity, racial slurs, etc).
- When replacing/deleting pictures in your gallery, please indicate clearly the filename(s) which you wish to have replaced/deleted (filenames can be viewed by moving your mouse over the pictures).
When replacing/deleting captions, please indicate which caption you are replacing by indicating the filename to which the caption belongs to.
- Although there will be no guidelines set for submissions/changes over a period of time, but please be reasonable about your requests for the gallery. (ie. there is really no need for you to be changing your pictures every week.)
- Please include your mud name in the subject line of your email.
- Please send your images as attachments. It's a lot easier to handle than a bunch of inline images in html.
- IMPORTANT: In order to ensure that images submited are from the correct person, you MUST mudmail Mirath with the character you are submitting images for. The mudmail doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a quick "I submitted new pics" is sufficient.
- Once you have read and understood the guidelines, you can submit pictures by email to:

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