Necro Party 2002, Castro Valley, CA
For information on contacting them, send e-mail to:
Its early... folks are just starting to arrive.
Hrm, give that man some alcohol!
The man on the left, shouldn't be drinking alcohol... so he gets Diet Coke.
The alcohol is just now started to take its effect.
You should see the counter 2 hours from now :)
The DJ arrives and the music begins...
Prybutok and BoneZ
Hey lets put some more people in the kitchen, there's not enough right now!
Do they look like they are having fun?
Treestump, flexing his power.
Its starting to get dark out ... the real party is about to begin.
Destiny up in arms.... what the hell!
The lights come on.... oh yes it gets better.
BoneZ chillin in one of his chairs.
Since when have our parties become raves?
Hey be careful you could take an eye out!
Tearing this mo-fo up!
Evilbeard and his evil wife....
Treestump, always catching a feel any chance he gets. (Don't ask where his pants went... anyone see those dice?)
As you can see, on the far right we had our first "passed out" guest...
Hey look its our new logo ... combined with some party lighting.
Yes, the camera is just fine, thats smoke from a smoke machine...
Its getting wild now!
Awe... arn't they cute? Hrm...
Tear it up DJ Mudde...
Whoa... am I drunk?
Weeeeeeeeeeeeee more lights!
DJ John (yes, he's a professional tearing up the house/techno mixes)
Hey I said no smoking damn it! Er ..
Mudde pounding the bottle of Patron, afterall, why let it go to waste?
Fun times!
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