21 d 7 h 25 m
1 players


This quest is a TEAM based quest, and requires a MINIMUM of 16
people to play. Two teams exist, the Atreus and the Thebes.
Each of these teams has their own special advantages/disadvantages.
The object of the quest is quite simple, to get your point
requirement, before the other team does. How do you go about doing
that you ask? Easy... each team consists of a LEADER, a WARRIOR
and a BEARER, and a MINIMUM of 5 MEMBERS. Once the quest is
started, the Quest God will start the team picking, until everyone
who entered is picked. Once that has taken place, the Winds of Fate
will be kicked into motion and the quest begins. Your BEARER is
your pride and joy, he is the member of the team you have to protect
the most, for he holds your Orb to points. If a MEMBER from the
other team kills the BEARER of your team, they get control of your
Orb. They then have to run around the area to find Lurch, the Orb
god, and the Orb to get the team a point. You must stop
them from finding Lurch, or they will get a point. Everytime a
player from your team dies, they go to a holding room, where they
await their release. The code will randomly select one person at
a time, every 15 seconds or so. They will then be released back
into the quest to continue battle.
He is NOT allowed to kill the BEARER of the opposing
team, it does him no good. Only a MEMBER of a team can kill the
BEARER of the opposing team. The LEADER however gets special
ability points, which he can use during the battle to hurt the
other team, or help his own team. To see a list of these abilities
type 'HELP QCAST'. The special abilities are used with the command
qcast. You can only cast a special ability if the Winds of Fate
are leaning in your favor. The way the Winds shift to one side
from the other, is by PK'ing the other team members. This throws
the Winds off balance. The more kills your team makes, the more
the Winds shift into your favor.
The WARRIOR plays another HUGE role in the quest, as he is the
ONLY member of the team that can GIVE YOU special ability points.
For every kill the WARRIOR makes on a MEMBER of the opposing team
he/she gets 1 killpoint. When the Winds shift into YOUR favor
if your WARRIOR has a high amount of killpoints, they will be
converted into Special Ability points, for the leader to use.
The WARRIOR also gets a free restore for every person he kills
he can't hunt the BEARER, so his advantages are free healing.
The first person to turn in enough Orbs to Lurch and gain enough
points, AND have the Winds shifted into their favor wins the quest!
HELP QSUBMIT: Information on submitting the orb.
HELP QCAST: Information on casting spells with special ability points.
HELP TEAMPICK: Information on picking your team members.

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