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The New Players FAQ

2. General

  Q2.1 How do I see what commands are available?
  Q2.2 How do I see my condition?
  Q2.3 How do I see my inventory?
  Q2.4 How do I see what I am wearing?
  Q2.5 How do I equip items?
  Q2.6 How do I pick things up?
  Q2.7 How do I put things into containers?
  Q2.8 How do I get things from containers?
  Q2.9 What is the effect of eating and drinking?
  Q2.10 How do I identify things?
  Q2.11 How do I buy and sell things from shops?
  Q2.12 How do I see my skills and spells?
  Q2.13 What are some useful locations to remember?
  Q2.14 How do I train skills and spells?
  Q2.15 Is there any public communications channel?
  Q2.16 Is there any way to automate the mob looting process?
  Q2.17 Help! It says that it's pitch black!
  Q2.18 Help! I'm lost!
  Q2.19 Help! This item is clinging to me and I can't remove it!
  Q2.20 How do I log out of the game?

Q2.1 How do I see what commands are available?
Type COMMANDS. Typing HELP (command) will bring up the help file for that command.

Q2.2 How do I see my condition?
Type SCORE. You can also REPORT your condition to other people.

Q2.3 How do I see my inventory?

Q2.4 How do I see what I am wearing?

Q2.5 How do I equip items?
WEAR (item). You can also equip an item to your held location by typing HOLD (item) and to your weapon location by typing WIELD (item). WEAR (item) (location) will also equip an item to a specific location.

Q2.6 How do I pick things up?
GET (object).

Q2.7 How do I put things into containers?
PUT (object) (container).

Q2.8 How do I get things from containers?
GET (object) (container).

Q2.9 What is the effect of eating and drinking?
Keeping yourself free of hunger and thirst helps to increase the rate at which you regenerate hit points, mana and moves.

Q2.10 How do I identify things?
By casting the identify spell. You can also obtain a scroll of identify and RECITE it on an item. If the item is in a shop, you can just type IDENTIFY (item).

Q2.11 How do I buy and sell things from shops?
BUY (item) or SELL (item). Type HELP BUY and HELP SELL for more information on the syntax of these commands.

Q2.12 How do I see my skills and spells?
Type SLIST (class) to see a list of skills available to that class. Type TRAIN and, as long as you are not at your guildmaster, you will see a list of your skills and spells, together with the levels to which they have been trained.

Q2.13 What are some useful locations to remember?
The hospital - for healing and regeneration - 3e 1n from Necromium Square. Donation - for free equipment - 1e 3s from Necromium Square. Scribes Corner - for scrolls and potions - 4e 1s from Necromium Square. The Colibri Hotel - for renting out of the game - 2n, 2e, open s, s from Necromium Square. The training guilds - along guild lane - 4n from Necromium Square. The warrior and thief guilds are west of there, and the mage and cleric guilds lie east.

Q2.14 How do I train skills and spells?
HELP TRAIN. Go to your guildmaster, and type TRAIN. This brings up the training menu. Alternatively, typing TRAIN (skill or spell name) at the guildmaster automatically trains that skill or spell (assuming you have enough CPs, and, where relevant, enough gold).

Q2.15 Is there any public communications channel?
Yes there is, you can GOSSIP messages, or CHAT messages. GOSSIP will broadcast your message on a public, moderated channel, while CHAT will do the same on a public, unmoderated channel. Also, the AUCTION channel allows you to buy and sell things with other players. Make sure you know the rules for each channel (HELP (channel name)).

Q2.16 Is there any way to automate the mob looting process?

Q2.17 Help! It says that it's pitch black!
You are wandering around in a zone with no light. You either need to equip a light (various pieces of equipment glow), or have the infravision spell cast on you.

Q2.18 Help! I'm lost!
Well, you need to pay attention to where you're going. If you are below level 10, you can just type RECALL to get back to Necromium Square. If you are above level 10, you will either need to cast the word of recall spell. You can also get back to recall if you keep a "murky grey potion" in your inventory and quaff it. Buy these potions from Scribe's Corner. Having said that, some zones are deliberately set up as a maze, and certain exits may not go where you think they are going ... you will have to figure these out yourself.

Q2.19 Help! This item is clinging to me and I can't remove it!
You need a spell, remove curse, cast on you. Ask a friendly cleric who has trained the spell, or buy a scroll from Scribe's Corner.

Q2.20 How do I log out of the game?
At the hotel receptionist, type RENT. If you are in a clan, you can also GOHOME and QUIT.

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