The New Players FAQ 
3. Grouping
  Q3.1 How do I group with someone else?
  Q3.2 How do I find people to group with?
  Q3.3 What is the benefit of being in a group?
  Q3.4 How do I communicate with the group?
  Q3.5 How do I check on the status of the group?
  Q3.6 What is a group formation?
  Q3.7 Why is this mob now giving me much less XP from a kill?
Q3.1 How do I group with someone else?
Type FOLLOW (name). That person becomes the leader of your group.
Q3.2 How do I find people to group with?
Type WHO and see whether there are people online that are close to your
level. Ask them to group with you (use TELL to communicate directly with
that person).
Q3.3 What is the benefit of being in a group?
The sum of the parts is greater than the whole. You can support each other
with healing spells. Damage can be allocated among members of the group,
and you have an opportunity to double cast (see Combat below). The only
way to take on certain non-player characters is to be in a group. Single
characters would never stand a chance in such circumstances.
Q3.4 How do I communicate with the group?
In a group, you can GSAY things to the group (only).
Q3.5 How do I check on the status of the group?
You can type GREP to see a status report for the whole group, and GREP XP
to see how much XP each group member needs in order to level.
Q3.6 What is a group formation?
There are many different formations available. Type GTEST to see your
current formation. You can CHANGEGROUP to a different formation, and
REFORM people to different locations in the group.
Q3.7 Why is this mob now giving me much less XP from a kill?
Well, there could be two reasons. Firstly, if the level difference between
any group members is 10 or more, XP is severely reduced. This is to
prevent powerful characters from giving too much assistance towards
leveling small characters. Secondly, the XP from each kill needs to be
distributed among the group. Thus, if you are interested in leveling, you
need to balance the benefit of being in a group with the amount of XP that
is distributed among the group.
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