21 d 7 h 47 m
2 players


3. The first things to do in a new MUD
3.1 On almost all MUDs, after a short introductory sequence, you will be
asked to enter a character name. Some MUDs allow you to enter "guest" to
take a look around without making a new character. But it's often good to
go through the character creation process just to get a feel of what to
expect and how much effort has been put into the MUD. Make sure you
understand and abide by any naming restrictions. After you pick your name,
you will often be asked to select a password. Remember to keep this
secret, unless you have no problem with people logging on, stealing your
stuff, pretending to be you, and affecting your reputation on the MUD. If
a MUD rejects your password, that means you have probably chosen a name
that is already in use. Pick another name.
In Necromium, you will also be asked whether you want ANSI colour.
Pick "Y" or "N" according to your preference and whether your client
program supports ANSI colour. Necromium's naming policy requires a
medieval, non-offensive, name - please don't pick something like "Korn" or
"PimpDaddy". When starting out, take some time to read through the
explanations of the various classes. If in doubt, start with a warrior or
a cleric. These classes probably have the easiest time making it through
initial levels; warriors because of their multiple attacks and damage
dealing ability, and clerics because of their ability to heal - it allows
them to survive where others cannot.
3.2 You should then undergo the character creation process - the
alternatives presented may seem quite mind-boggling, but do keep in mind
that it's early days yet, and if worst comes to worst you can always create
a new character. One way to help yourself through this process is to read,
thoroughly, any documentation available - be it on the MUD website, during
the creation process itself, or through web-pages created by other players
on the MUD.
3.3 Once you're logged in and playing the game, you will then need to go
through a checklist of things that you will need to learn to survive and
   (a) Is there a newbie help system? Many well-run MUDs will have
automatic systems in place to help newbies learn, quickly, what they should
be doing.
When you start out on Necromium for the first time, you would be
well advised to take the newbie tour. Just say "Y" when prompted. After
you're done with the newbie tour, you should type "help" and read it
through. Other documents worth reading are "command" and "policy". Then
type "info" and read through information postings that have been made over
time. This will bring you up to date with what is happening on the MUD,
and the key rules in place.
   (b) Almost all MUDs will recognise the command "help". This should
bring up a list of help topics, from which you can find out as much as
possible about how to interact with your new world. Most will also
recognise "command" or "commands" which brings up a list of legitimate
commands. Finally, most MUDs recognise cardinal directional commands,
"up", "down", and permit you to "look" and "say" things.
   (c) Learn where you can rest safely. Sometimes you will need a place
to take a breather, or go away from your computer for a break. Seek safe
locations, and remember how to get back there.
In Necromium, as long as you are below level 10, you can type
"recall" at any time and be brought back to a designated safe room in the
continent you are currently exploring. In the continent of Necromium, you
will be brought to the centre of Necromium City, which is Necromium Square.
   (d) Get a "feel" for your immediate vicinity. Explore a little. If
the MUD you are playing does not have an overhead mapping feature, and if
your client does not support automaps, make your own maps. This can form a
base for your future exploration.
Necromium's unique overhead mapping system makes geography easy
for you. This system continually updates a 5x5 map of your immediate
vicinity. You can thus "see" exactly where you are and what surrounds you.
Your player character will always be at the centre of this map. The newbie
tour (you did take the newbie tour, didn't you?) will show you important
locations in Necromium City which you should remember.
   (e) Learn how the game works. Understand what's important, and
what's not. For example, just how important is eating and drinking? What
is the effect of using X weapon instead of Y weapon? Should I boost my
intelligence statistic or my wisdom statistic?
   (f) Learn how to interact with non-player characters. Not every
thing that you encounter is going to be a player character. Non-player
characters (often referred to by the community as "mobiles") offer other
avenues for interaction. And ... don't just kill everything in sight. Not
everything can be killed, and not everything will take it kindly (it ...
hurts, you know). Every action has a consequence ...
Some non-player characters in Necromium are notoriously powerful
for unsuspecting newbies. Try to "look" and "consider" before you decide
what you want to do - these commands will show you the description of the
mobile, and give you a rough indication of its level of aggression and
   (g) Find out what the MUD uses to measure advancement in the game -
is it experience points? Is it gold? Is it property accumulation? Is it
the number of quests completed? Decide whether or not you want to
"powergame" - that is, to advance as far and fast as you can. Or do you
want to take your time and smell the flowers?
In Necromium, players advance by accumulating experience.
Because it is a fantasy-based MUD, experience is accumulated through
successful combat. You will gain experience points (XP) which go towards
increasing your levels, and character points (CP) which can be used to
increase your skills and abilities. Increased levels will grant you more
hit points (ie. your ability to withstand damage), mana (ie. your resource
pool from which you can cast spells), and moves (ie. an allotted number of
points which are used up as you move around). Increased skills or
abilities will grant you added powers and benefits. As a new player, you
will receive several guide books automatically. Read through these to find
out how to allocate your CPs in the way you see best.
   (h) Learn how to communicate with other players. Most MUDs will
recognise the command "say", or "tell". Other commands could allow you to
communicate with your group of companions, your clan, and/or everyone in
the MUD. Use these commands to ask around. Be courteous and friendly,
and it's very likely that you'll receive a friendly response. However,
some people may be busy doing other stuff, so don't be put off even if you
get some initial curt responses.
   (i) Most of all, make friends. If there's one skill you must master
in any MUD, and which is 100% portable from MUD to MUD, that skill is
making friends. Even if you want to be a bad guy, you'll need people for
reconnaissance and more people to watch your back. This skill is more
important than your typing skills, how well you can program aliases and
trigger scripts, or your ability to figure out the formulae used to
calculate attack and defence probabilities. Don't instantly pick the
highest level player you see and make friends with him. Pick people around
your level, similar to you. You will have much more in common with them,
and you have more scope to grow together.
   (j) Last of all, try to get to know the management staff of the MUD -
sometimes called immortals, gods, or implementors. They always appreciate
some praise every now and then, and there's no harm in letting them know
you're having a good time.
Another good thing to do in Necromium is to type "recall" and
"clanedit" and follow the menus to join the Newbie Academy, where you will
gain access to some neat resources, other academy members, and specific
immortal characters assigned to assist players.

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