21 d 7 h 43 m
2 players


4. More things to do
4.1 This section sets out various bits of advice concerning what to look
for after you've gotten started in a MUD and are reasonably comfortable
with your environment.
4.2 One of the most rewarding things that you could do is to join a clan.
Clans, or guilds, are organised groups of people with common objectives.
Before joining a clan, make sure you know what they stand for, what their
admission criteria are, and how they are regarded in the MUD. Once you
join them, in a sense, you adopt their persona and their reputation. Thus,
it's good to find out beforehand whether the clan you are looking at
emphasises socialising, exploration, player killing, or what have you. Who
knows? One day you may even lead a clan!
Necromium has an elaborate, tiered, clan system. Before describing
these, however, it is useful to note that Necromium does not require you to
participate in a clan if you don't want to. You are free to choose which
path is best for you.
Turning now to the system, at the lowest tier are the player-run
clans, which can be seen, conceptually, as nomadic tribes. The members are
bound together by name, and they have a central communications system.
Noble houses live one level up from clans. Some clans have been granted
the status of a noble house. Noble houses gain access to property rights,
can own ships, and are given a large piece of real estate (a noble house)
which they can call their own. Noble houses can participate in diplomacy
with other noble houses, and other clans are permitted to pledge loyalty to
noble houses in order to gain access to the same rights granted to the
noble house.
At the same level lie the non-affiliated guilds. These are not run by
players. Each class (warrior, thief, mage and cleric) has a guild of their
own, which gives them rights approximately equivalent to that of a noble
house. Rounding this off are the Newbie Academy, and the Royal Guard,
which are also non-affiliated guilds.
At an even higher level, there is also an underlying story line in the
MUD about how the noble houses will one day restore the royalty of
Necromium ...
4.3 Before embarking on playing sessions, remember to check the quality of
your connection to the MUD - if you're always dropping link, your MUD
experience will be poorer for it. Imagine being the only healer in a group
fighting an epic battle against the Endless Devourer and going link dead.
If you do want to continue playing despite a poor connection, do make sure
your friends understand. Also remember to tell people if, halfway through
a session with a group of people, you encounter lag. Tell them, so that
they can take it into account.
4.4 Play within the rules. It's sometimes hard to understand why some
people seem to regard the MUD experience as an opportunity to bend or break
rules, just to prove that they can. Don't get the wrong idea about this -
you can still be an evil anti-paladin, you just need to do it within the
rules set by the game. Be evil. Fine. But don't hack. Don't exploit
coding flaws in the game. If the rules say you can't spam a player to get
an advantage in combat, then don't. If the rules say that you can't
deliberately drop link to make a mobile lose its target, don't. And don't
complain if you're caught. One thing about free, volunteer-staffed games
is that if the owners decide that you're a destructive influence, it is a
certainty that you won't ever play there again. But if you play nice and
fair, you will be seen as a valued member of the community and your game
experience will be all the better for it.
4.5 Maintain a firm grip on your real life. This is not preaching - it's
a critical point that must be understood. If you pick a bunch of people,
put them together in an unfamiliar location, and tell them they're playing
a game for a prize, some will remain true to themselves and behave the same
way they behave outside of the game. Some will adopt a persona that is
calculated to endear them to others. But some adopt behaviour that can be
characterised as being antisocial or offensive simply because the game
allows them an escape. In other words, free of the bonds of societal norm,
each of us reacts very differently. And bad things can happen in MUDs -
you could get befriended and betrayed, killed and looted, and so on. Ever
watched "Survivor"? Same phenomenon. Always, always remember, that at
any time, you can switch your computer off and take a nice break.
4.6 With all this in mind, the rest, really, is up to you. The great
thing about MUDs is that the experience you ultimately have is very much
defined by the type of experience that you choose to have. If you want to
be a rabid evildoer, you can. Pick a player kiling MUD, and cut yourself
loose. If you want to be a friendly tradesman, you can. Pick a social MUD
with some roleplaying elements, and set out your shop's trading shingle.
You want to be a hero? Pick an adventuring MUD, find a group of
like-minded people, and go change the world. The point is worth repeating
- what you are, and what you do, is ultimately up to you.
We hope you will join us on Necromium MUD, but in any event, we wish you
all the best!

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