The Creation of the World of Necromium
efore time began there was nothing but the void. A great empty nothing
with no form or being. It was there that the first of the gods appeared,
exiled into the darkness as they fled from a corrupt and cruel world where
they had dwelt. BoneZ was the first and opened the door for Treestump and
Demigo to follow. With them came a handful of exiled gods and together these
were the first ones who sat in the darkness of that terrible void.
Even with the arrival of the gods the great void still lacked form or
mass. Lest the gods reign in darkness forever they would need a means to
create. Yet, with nothing with which to fashion the universe, the immortals
appeared doomed. The immortals were faced with an eternity alone.
It was then that the gods created the material known as Necromium.
Formed from the magic of the gods, the pure energy of imagination, and the
void itself, the gods managed to create but a few specks of this material.
Yet this was all that was needed in order to create the universe for the
material could be transmuted with magic into any amount of the base elements
from which the worlds were made.
With one grain of Necromium were the stars created, burning bright in
skies. With another the celestial bodies of the moons, comets and planets
took form. In such a way was Necromium used to create the air and sea.
Finally Necromium was used to create life itself, and so did the world come
to be.
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The History of Necromium.